MBS Houses: Honor and Inheritance


The House is a feature of students’ management in MBS. Each House has students from Grades 7, 8 and 9. It connects students of different ages, classes and genders for deeper interaction. There are 5 Houses in MBS – Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, which are named after the Five Phases in Chinese philosophy. Connecting traditional culture with real life, each House has its own unique cultural characteristics.

Each HOUSE is independent from each other. Each one of MBSers are expected to attend various activities among Houses and compete against each other for the best Cultural Corner, cover design of the yearbook, House logo design, mascot design and best players at sports competitions.

To establish Houses, we wish for the students to inherit Chinese culture and spirit, collaborate to form pride and sense of belonging. But it goes beyond that and will continue to enrich the lives of all MBSers in the future.

Meisha Bilingual School
